Adina Siff

Adina Siff is a junior at Georgetown Day High School in Washington, DC. She co-founded a branch of High School Students for Biden, where she used social media to engage young people getting involved in politics for the first time. Adina is also an active member of her school’s feminist and Jewish affinity groups. She was a reporter at the Girl Up Global Leadership Summit, where she interviewed women leaders on the importance and power of connections between female-identifying individuals.  Adina was elected president of the Jewish Primary Day School (now Milton Gottesman Jewish Day School) student body, and was also awarded the Silver Global Seal of Biliteracy in Hebrew. She currently serves on the jGirls Magazine editorial board and is a literary co-editor of the creative writing magazine at her school. When not debating with her parents and friends, Adina enjoys creative writing, listening to Taylor Swift, and hiking.