Sam Shube

Editorial Committee

Sam Shube currently serves as CEO of Hagar – Jewish Arab Education for Equality, and has devoted the past 30 years of his life to enhancing shared society, Jewish pluralism, and peoplehood in Israel. A resident of Kibbutz Nir Am, a border community in the Gaza envelope, Sam established Israel’s first Arab-Jewish Scout Troop and the Thaqafat Center for Shared Culture. Previously, he served as CEO of Hand in Hand – Center for Jewish Arab Education in Israel, a nationwide network of bilingual Arab-Jewish schools in Jerusalem, the Galilee and Kfar Kara, and deputy director of Rabbis for Human Rights. Educated at JTS and Columbia University in New York City, as well as Hebrew University and Haifa University, Sam is a principal at Clarity Communication, providing consultation services for nonprofits, and is also author of a Times of Israel blog on shared society and democracy.